There is a lot of mixed messages out there regarding comment pods (CPs) for Instagram. In this post, I will talk you through my own experience, and that of my clients, regarding the use of CPs.
What is a comment pod?
An Instagram comment pod is essentially created when a few likeminded accounts, agree to comment and like on each other’s posts, in order to boost engagement on their own account. Participants normally share their post within a direct message to the rest of the CP group, with the expectation that the post will gain their likes and comments – think like for like or comment for comment.
What are the pros?
From my own experience and that of my clients, comment pods are actually a great tool to keep engagement at an optimum level. In the initial moments after posting, Instagram will notice how much traffic is interacting with your post. The more interaction, the more accounts the Instagram algorithm will show that post to. If all parties are in agreeance to comment and like on each other’s posts, a basic level of engagement will be measured, any other comments and likes you receive from external accounts are a bonus!
What are the pitfalls?
Instagram is getting smarter and smarter. There is speculation that those who organise their CP’s within the direct messaging section of Instagram might end up being penalised for falsifying authentic engagement. In my experience, this is yet to happen and I personally believe that just because you are a part of a CP, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you are not genuinely engaged in what the others are posting. Please do let us know if you have experienced otherwise.
Another pitfall is that at times, people become slack – and do not fulfil their side of the bargain. Just be cautious to avoid any ‘bad blood’ amongst other account users. If need be, leave the group for the time being or perhaps start your own with people you know and trust.
All in all, CP’s are a wonderful way to build a sense of community and engagement however caution does need to be taken if choosing to participate. We’ll let you make up your own mind! Be sure to let us know how you go.
Have you participated in a CP? How did you find it? Let us know in the comments!
Need some help with your Instagram engagement? Get in touch today!
X Cat.
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