Copywriters around the globe are well equipped with many tools to help them create written content to the best of their ability. Perhaps it’s a notebook and pen, or maybe even a laptop. Some might even have an online dictionary or thesaurus on hand. Want to know my little go-to secret that I can’t live without? For me, its magazines and books.
Okay, so reading isn’t for everyone. We’re not in year 10 English class anymore, nobody is going to force you to read a designated novella, but what if you chose to broaden your knowledge, by reading up on topics that generally interest you? Whether it be fashion, make up, interior design or crystals – there is a book or industry relevant magazine out there to suit your interests. Here’s why you should invest in them.
1. Inspiration: If you’re a creative type like myself, magazines are a great source to find images and key words for mood or visualisation boards. It’s also a great way to see what is currently trending in the industry of your choosing. Alternatively, you might be writing on a topic that you’re not particularly familiar with. I had no idea about the furniture industry before I started my role at Furnishing International, so I armed myself wit many home mags for inspiration. I was guided to not only write about certain topics but also on what types of imagery to include within my own articles. I was also inspired to write and use language to target a similar demographic. This brings me to reason two.
2. To expand your vocabulary: I’m a self-proclaimed introvert, so when I stumbled across a book titled ‘Quiet’ by Susan Cain at my local QBD, it immediately sparked my interest. I quickly realised once I began reading that it was not only the content in discussion which kept me turning the pages, but the language in which Cain employed to inform, teach and persuade. For me, this book didn’t just teach me how introverts can succeed in business and daily life, it also taught me words and phrases that I otherwise wouldn’t have considered to utilise in my own writing. As writers, we need to constantly expand our vocabulary to ensure our audience is engaged. Magazines and books are a fantastic way to keep abreast of other writing styles and content.
3. To broaden your knowledge: I touched on this in my first point when discussing inspiration. Similarly, magazines and books will feed your mind with invaluable information on any given topic of your choosing. The great thing is, you do have choices. If you prefer lighter reads, pick up a magazine which is image heavy and has minimal text. Or if you prefer to know everything and anything about a topic (I’m talking to you fellow researchers) then a book or journal may suit your needs better. Whichever type of publication you decide, one thing is certain – you will deepen your understanding and learn something that you otherwise didn’t know.
All of the above points will help solidify your own writing style and depth of knowledge. As writers, it is important to remain intelligible, yet contemporary. The worst thing you could do it have a wealth of knowledge but a stale disengaging writing technique. Nobody will want to read what you have to say, which is a real shame if you have taken the time to write it.
So my advice is to arm up with those good reads! Magazines can usually be claimed at tax time for journalists and copywriters which is an added benefit as well.
Have any questions? Shoot through an email to me.
X Cat.
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