A short piece of prose which is often overlooked – the personal bio. This type of copy is more important than you think, and could also be used on a vast array of platforms.
Take LinkedIn for example, a well written bio will offer a snapshot of who you are and what you do, to a plethora of business contacts. The bio is usually the first thing many people read, and could be essential in getting your network to continue reading up about you and your credentials. The more they read, the more they might like what you have to offer, and before you know it, you could be getting poached to work for a company offering 10 times your current salary! (Best case scenario!)
You can also use a small bio at the end of your about page. If you own a small business and would like potential customers to see the face behind the brand, an image of yourself and a small paragraph of copy to accompany the image, personalises your businesses instantly.
Our top tips for nailing your bio:
- Keep it short, succinct, yet informative.
- Keep the copy clear and easy to read.
- For LinkedIn: keep the tone formal and professional.
- For business website or blog: keep the tone casual and fun.
If you’d like some assistance to write your professional bio – get in touch today!
X Cat.
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